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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you guys like poetry?

Question: Do you guys like poetry!?
This is a poem by me!. Please don't steal!.!.!.
called "Put This at Bay"

Alone in the rain,
Becoming insane,
Cuts right down the vein,
Forgetting it all!.

Why so much pain,
By offense of the cane,
Our futures now lain,
Not resting in peace!.

By wolfmothers bane,
Why all this became,
Discreet, with no name,
Showing up unwanted!.

Bringing new fame,
Losing the game,
Now, a constant mame,
I'm tired of it!.

With all of your shame,
You try and act tame,
Only yourself to blame,
Try and hide me now!.

Without any gain,
You put out the flame,
Not one thing obtained,
You!. Lose!.

I bring you the end,
So sad, this trend,
Of a not so true friend,
Who got what they deserved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i like how you kept the same sound going throughout your poem!.!. it created a nice rhythm!. it was easy to read and easy to appreciate, because it was very well written!. Nice job!.

oh i really like that line!.!.
"By offense of the cane"

that line is amazing, ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ehh!. Same dribble drabble!.

Next time, try making your points a little more clear!. If the title wasn't that descriptive, I wouldn't have known what you were talking about!.

Mind answering my question!?


I like poetry but that poem although good it was depressing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com