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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote a Acrostic Sestina for Elaine P; Do you think she will like it?

Question: I wrote a Acrostic Sestina for Elaine P; Do you think she will like it!?
I wrote this, by the inspiration given to me by this question:-
A sestina (or sestine or sextain) is a highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet (called its envoy or tornada), for a total of thirty-nine lines!. The same set of six words ends the lines of each of the six-line stanzas, but in a different order each time;

Each time I put pen to paper, I grow
Lesson learned, now its time to apply it
Actions can speak louder than words
In this case,”The less we say the better”
Nowhere have I found a teacher like you
Elaine, I needed so much to say this

The Sestinas; you showed me this
At some time you will see, that I grow
Under the guidance I received from you
Given a clue, now I have to solve it
Have taught me to write better
To not be afraid but master; words

Many have spoken, but it’s you’re words
I have more in store than this
Got to now, make my writing better
Have a whole heap down on paper
To this end, one day I’ll publish it
You know my book!? I’ll dedicate to you

Look out, because its coming soon to you
I truly appreciate your words
Time for my poetry to make it
Time to stop waiting for people to applaud this
Like I was writing on gold leaf paper
Elaine, now I told you, I feel much better

So how can I make my poems better!?
Please tell me, I can take it from you
Enjambments!? Or should I scribble it down on paper!?
Anyway, enough of these words
Keep saying “I’m going to do better”
So, I guess its time to prove it

Bet some are saying “He’ll never make it”
Easy for them, they don’t know, how I got better
Through constant prayer I will do this
Thank you
Every day, I’m touched by your words
Rest assured, I’ll get published on paper

Here’s my Sestina to prove it on paper that,
Elaine, some words can never be spoken better
Remembering you with thanks, hope you like thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gideon, teachers get lots of criticism and very little praise!. Your words mean more to me than I can express!. Here's another one of my (few) successes!. I had a student from another country who could speak English, but would not read it!. He was in high school and very intelligent!. He and his family were here on business for a short time!. When he left he came to me and said: "Mrs!. P!., you taught me something!." I just looked at him and he continued, "You taught me to love books!." My mission has always been to teach people to love language and the miraculous canvases it can portray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she will treasure it! What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful and extraordinary lady!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good well written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer 'Elaine P' shorter version!.

At least I read that, even if I didn't understand it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow this must flatter elaine a lot!.!.!.nice writeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A nice tribute, This site is stock full of inspiration to draw
upon, and to be helped along by others rewards both, It is a pleasure to be appreciated, seems certain Elaine will feel honored with your words of thank you in this form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I truly love English and although I am not of English persuasion, it is the universal language!. My language of origin is Spanish, and there is so (must) to learn!.!. I surely appreciate good writing and practice is the key to accelerate the thought of imagination and the sense of emotion!.!.Ms!. Elaine will cherish your words!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com