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Position:Home>Poetry> Descriptive writing/ descriptive phrases????

Question: Descriptive writing/ descriptive phrases!?!?!?!?
HELP ive got my english gcse tomorrow so i need all the help i can get for the descriptive writing part!.

it would be great if anyone can DESCRIBE a petrol station for me cos i can find anything on that subject!.

also can you post some descriptive phrases of quite chaotics scenes!. nothing specific so that i can use them for anything that may come up!.

describe mood/atmosphere and children crying plz

this probably doesnt make sense and may sound a bit rude n im sorry!. its just because im panicking a bit!.

(example of descriptive phrase is like "the air is electric" but obviously better)

thankyou soo much for those that helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Gaseous fumes rise up to meet one's nostrils as the cars on the road rumble past!. The spills on the pavement from travelers long past catch their eye while the gas (petrol!?) pumps slowly but determinedly into the hungry and waiting mouth of the car's engine!. The numbers on the machine climb slowly upward as the tank fills; the white noise of people coming in and out of the store floats through the air!. Engines sarting and halting can be heard every so often as others complete their business and go along their way!. Somem faint upbeat music struggles to puncture it's way through this harmony of sounds, the noise of civilization at its best!. Finally, the gas (petrol!?) stops flowing and the hose is removed and replaced in its place on the machine!. The bill is paid and the car zooms away; on its own journey through life until, once again, the one driving must return to this silently appreciated center of life!.

Well, that's my description of a gas (petrol) station!. Sorry if it's not what you were looking for, but you were a tad bit vague on that!. ^^;;Www@QuestionHome@Com

I keep thinking of those gaudy posters on the pumps advertising a sandwich, packet of crisps and a bottle of pop, describing this meagre repast as "A tasty bargain" or some other trite nonsense!.

What else comes to mind!? the sickly smell of benzene fumes, the dead, flat light of those flourescent overhangs, the numerous cars queuing, their engines still running so that they can inch forward towards the pump!. The fridge with a wonky light which kept flickering on and off as though it were trying to communicate in morse code!. The almost overwhelming air of hostility and disappointment and the sense of relief at being able to go home at the end of the day!.

The last fuel blockade was a real treat, that's for sure!.
