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Position:Home>Poetry> Currently unnamed poem?

Question: Currently unnamed poem!?
i can't understand myself
i don't know, why i cry
i feel a knife in my heart
i'm nervous and oh so shy

every little thing hurts
like poison like fire
i can't stop talking
but i can't start breathing

it's like a power
inside my body
i crumble and fall
it's all in my head and i can't stop it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your first stanza started strong with a nice beat!. Stanza two lost the rythm as did three!. Look at the beats in stanza one!.

L1 7
L2 6 (7 with comma)
L3 7
L4 7

In the next stanza they are 5,5,5,6!. The last 5,5,5,10 I would suggest reworking stanzas 2 and 3 to utilize the same beat pattern that you started with in stanza one!. This should help to improve the flow!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com