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Position:Home>Poetry> I'm having trouble rhyming some words, please help?

Question: I'm having trouble rhyming some words, please help!?
Breathe there Yamsters
With souls so dead,
Who never to themselves have said !. !. !.

*ahem, mi mi mi mi, tap tap, is this thing on!? testing testing*

This is MY Yahoo
Lamest on Earth
This is MY Yahoo
Intelligence still-birthed
I pledge thee my malfeasance
I hope Yahoo gets sold!
For this is MY Yahoo
To watch as it moldsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its puts a smile rightly on my face!. Nice!. Since you asked:

L4: I!.Q!. instead of intelligence!?
L5: do you need "my"
L6: maybe add "for" at the beginning
L7: change for to though!?

However it ends, this is nicely penned and a good read!. Compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe -- that made me giggle!.

If you're looking for a rhyming tool -- I generally use rhymezone -- but the only poetry I write is limericks and I'm not very good -- I have meter and scansion problems!. Poetry is another place where being close to tone deaf is a bad thing -- most people think it's just music, but they forget the music of the spoken word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me too!


OK, instead of "sold" use "Sold dan the fackin river!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You spelled rodent molester wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this sung to the tune of "This is My Country"!?!.!.!.coz it seems to work!.!.!.work on the meter!.!.!.it's stilted in a few places!.!.!.but I laughed!Www@QuestionHome@Com


try rhymer!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com