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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this poem? It would mean a lot for your opinion...?

Question: What do you think of this poem!? It would mean a lot for your opinion!.!.!.!?
A silent drama
A silent cry
Fate was the director
The actors were too shy!?

Why did he lose!?
This round against fate
Plan A didn’t work
Plan B has to wait

It's a feeling after all
It has no taste
He should have waited for growth
He should not have made haste

If it were to evolve
It would look like a rose
A dainty figure
Like her I suppose

Its fragrance would be just like her
moving as the sun to sunflowers
as new aromas emerge
maturing with april showers

That touch of this feeling!.!.!.
so sensual and fragile
demanding a touch
to sculpture her smile

The acts themselves
were black and white
not crystal clear
but two emotions that fight

One scene, however,
Defies all doubts
The actor connected, then
He displayed what he was about

His feeling was clear
but it pulled him off the track
he was a different person
A feeling she liked he now lacks!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its really long, lol, like a modern epic =) I bet this took a while to write, I like it! But when I was reading, stanza 6 kinda threw me off cuz of the rhyme scheme, or lack of xD In the beginning it was kinda confusing as to what it was about, but I really liked the poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

"A silent drama
A silent cry
Fate was the director
The actors were too shy!?

Why did he lose!?
This round against fate
Plan A didn’t work
Plan B has to wait

His feeling was clear
but it pulled him off the track
he was a different person
A feeling she liked he now lacks!?"

Those were the stanzas I liked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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(a mystery also takes your breath)Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow idk wat 2 say its amazin u have a lotta talent 2 write sumthing like thisWww@QuestionHome@Com