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Position:Home>Poetry> Can this be considered a lyric poem?

Question: Can this be considered a lyric poem!?
I know the poem is no good at all, please spare me that, becuase I already know it sucks!. Can you just tell me if it can be considered a lyric poem!? If not, how can I make it one!? I really don't understand what a lyric poem is so any help would be appreciated!.

I am
rude and defiant
far from compliant
Not to be trusted
A manipulation master
A hormone disaster
A drama provider
A first-class liar
An emotional mess
of nothing but stress
Clueless and bored
Too risky to be ignored
Outrageous and errant
A teenager through the eyes of a parentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
uhh i guess so!.!.!. yea Lol =]Www@QuestionHome@Com