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Question: What dose this poem mean to you!?
Whats this poem saying to you!?
Its called: The Dalliance of the Eagles By Walt Whitman!. I'm doing a Literary Analysis Essay on it and don't really understand it!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He's describing a scene where two eagles are mating in the sky!. One could look at the poem and say, "okay, he saw two eagles mating and wrote down what he saw, big deal", but what they'd be missing is what Whitman "saw" in those two eagles!.!.!.he saw the force of nature overcome safety and concern to get its way, with the pair of eagles falling from the sky, full of passion and power, yet focused on one goal, until the last moment when they separated to fly back into the sky, with the male once again in pursuit!. What he's saying is that the power of passion and self-fulfillment, procreation, overwhelms the logic of safety, and that we often cast off all those things that keep us safe and secure in pursuit of what we desire, and that if we let ourselves go, if we let our animal urges take over, all the power within us will be used to consumate those desires in spite of what we risk!.

That's my take on it!.!.!.whitman loved to create an image and allow the reader to see with his eyes so that they could perhaps make the same connections as he did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com