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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like No. 6 in the mansion series?

Question: Do you like No!. 6 in the mansion series!?
Kinda hung up on civil war themes, I call this one:


I dream of fields of cotton bowls,
I dream of being free!.
I dream this war is over now,
And home is where I be!.

But waking brings me back to life,
To bloody fighting fierce!.
Back to this place where any time,
A blade, my heart may pierce!.

I mount my horse and ride along,
With comrades will I fight!.
To have the final say on this,
They say that might makes right!.

Five hundred men will die today,
Their lives will be no more!.
I long to be back in my home,
So I could bar the door!.

As on we ride my mind's adrift,
It thinks of Waverly!.
It's twin white columns on the front,
They beckon now to me!.

The stately oaks stand tall and proud,
And spread their cooling shade!.
The boxwoods by the entryway,
A pathway from the glade!.

The ballroom through the main doors,
The bedrooms up the stairs!.
The lookout windows at the top!.
She stands up there and stares!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The story is fictional only in that it did not happen to the narrator in this poem!. The Civil War was an incomprehensible horror!. I will never understand it!. We seem to now be engaged in a new civil war during the current election campaigns!. When will it end!? Your poetry, as usual, was beautiful; it sang a song of horror clothed in musical rhyme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really saw Waverly walking his halls - in the bright and airy old Southern mansion house!. Perhaps the spirits have gotten to ya!? ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rest in peace indomitable
as you can,
desire and what you want!.


As usual, well penned!. My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I was a publisher, please make up a book of your poems!.I will be the first to buy!.Bravo once more Dondi!.We all want to hear more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its so so sos so so sadWww@QuestionHome@Com

my mom read it and had tears in her eyes dude that is one awesome poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

You've captured the individual's emotions, thoughts, ideals, disappointments during the Civil War - which can also be superimposed on any war!. Your description of the old south is marvelous!. I can see the home very well and feel I know the people who make a life there!. I can feel the love that has come to an end due to an untimely, useless death!. This is a very good series with messages delivered through wonderful imagery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com