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Question: I need help with school work!?
i have to write a sonnet that has 14 lines, the ryme scheme hs to b ababcdcdefefgg, and it has to have only 10 sylibals per lineWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to write a sonnet that has ten
Syllables in each line, so I will try
To fit myself into this measured pen,
The way a sleek pig fits into his stye!.
It is not hard!. One counts as one proceeds
And watches words as on the page they spill!.
Who says a poet suffers, toils and bleeds!?
He simply shits ideas into the swill!.
(The barnyard metaphor proved fruitful, rich,
Enabled me to go about the task,
Not caring much about my words, or which
Were in good taste, or bad!. I didn't ask!.)
The TV's on!. This sonnet is a botch!.
But homework's finished now so I can watch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!.O!.o i have no clue what u need and i think i cant help u at all!.!.sorry!.!.i'll try to find u an answer!.!.see ya lata!Www@QuestionHome@Com