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Position:Home>Poetry> ` whattaya think of this POEM ?

Question: ` whattaya think of this POEM !?
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Feel free to have a look at the rest of the site - I made it myself!. I would love some con-crit and comments about this purticular poem!.

It's not amazing - and poetry is not my forte so please don't be tooo harsh!.

So yeah!.



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
maybe i'm the pinocchio who'll envy you when it comes to your vocabulary!.!. kidding aside, you know howto play with words!.!. i like the way you made the analogies!.!.

my problem is!.!. hey, is the title 'cigarettes' or 'to love me aside'!? but whatever it is, maybe there's something wrong in the coherence!.!. i can't relate much the first from the second stanza and so on!.!.

but don't worry, maybe i'll check again the poem, rereading it might give me the real hint!.!.

for someone who said poetry is not his forte, you did a good job! i believe it has it's sense [though i did not get it at first glance!.]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i haven't looked at the rest of the site yet!. i am quite stunned though!. most people who THINK they can write poetry have NOTHING on you!. the poem is complex but not pedantic, sentimental but not cheesy, sad but not whiny, personal but not overwhelmed with detail!. you held back in all the right places, and were even able to add some wit to a poem about personal loss!. it's fantastic, i'm not kidding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com