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Position:Home>Poetry> Like my poem? I AM 12 and in grade 6?

Question: Like my poem!? I AM 12 and in grade 6!?
His hands cup my face and wipped my cheek
The tears streamed down my throat; I can think of myself as only a freak
I'm not dainty or small or pretty at all
The lump in my throat begins to ache
and my limps begin to shake
His eyes pierce through mine
And he takes my hand; together our fingers twine
His smile
Makes me not breath for a while
And my heart pounds
Like it will stop in two beats
My stomache is in a knot
I fall in disbelief as I am cought
I focuss on breathing
But it sound like I'm wheezing
It begins to rain
It drips down my neck washing away pain
In his arms I reach around his neck I lean against his stone chest
I smile my best
And then were kissing
My whole world is spining but nothing is missing
My life once was grey
And the truth does sound cliche
Where both panting as his fingers tangle in my hair
We brake in a gasp and just look at each other in a stare
I thought life was meaningless but now that I'm here
I can love without fearWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
woa that was awsome it is really deep touches the soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow, so so!.!.!.!.beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the poem just try and go back over it for mispelled words and punctuation okay!.nice though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's beautiful, but don't constrain your self to rhymingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its a beautiful poem!.!. for a 12 year old its awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com