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Question: What's the value of a sign!?
Signs transcend

Symbols do abound, throughout our world,
some mundane, some unique
language though, will never block the sign…
the sign transcends the scream!.

The martyr who begs not at death’s door
knows well his future pose!.
Likewise monk in flame with folded hands
gives pause to those that rule

Impassioned rhetoric… always pales,
to symbols strong and true!.
Even the tyrants will topple when…
the sign transcends the screamWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whoa! 7:30a!.m!. here and I get to peruse this!?
Are you having problems submitting this to vague, poetry magazines!? Well, I can help!.!.!.!.

Submit this to a grammar school English textbook for publication!.!.!.this is a poem of such merit with truth, that it should be emblazoned onto children's minds at the earliest!.!.!.!.
Let them grow up with this knowledge!!!!!
Great, Neon, great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must be in deep thought today, The sign transends the
"scream" Impassioned "rhetoric"<That word when first I ever relized it's deep meaning, it keep me spellbound in
pondering for many days!. This poem says much to me, opens
many doors, so many directions, double messages, double
standards, Neg!. and pos!. Strong either way!. Bravo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hebrew has one word that means both "word" and "thing!." And so I see no conflict here!. The sign is the word is the thing is the sign is the thing is the word!. See John-I,1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well written, but correctly composed words can be the ultimate sign!. I liked it, thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Signs abound are true and this is one, a symbol of quality!. Thank you for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The sign is an action, whether passive or active!. It holds much power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The sign, it reads, "Well Done neon"Www@QuestionHome@Com

The sign never transcends the word for those who really understand words!. A poem is worth 1000 signs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com