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Position:Home>Poetry> How can I publish my poems?

Question: How can I publish my poems!?
I don't want to post it online!. I want to publish in book!. I wrote about the life of nature and people!. I gave example with my experiences!. I put the lessons in my poem!. I wrote these poems through my pure feelings of what I see, critique and accomplish!. I only write poems when I realize the perception which can really be possible!. I rhyme when I depress but I cure myself real even because I find the solutions, then I transform them into verses, in which I wanrt to share with everybody!. I want audiences to carry, recite, and remember my poems!. When an obstacle is preventing them from a goal they want, I want them to open my poem and look the verse of solution!. Here, I'm not talking about money!. Thank you!. Your words are very much apprecitated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your quest is a noble one, but publishing an entire book of your poetry is almost impossible unless you are already famous, or your poems are so good a publisher feels your book would make a profit!. Publishers are in the business of making money, whether you are interested in making money doesn't really matter!. If, however, you are the resources and wish to self-publish, then you can give your books away for free or sell them at cost!. If your name is Paris Hilton or Madonna, no problem, just call your agent and you can publish your grocery list!.!.!.but if you're an unknown!.!.!.well, you have to get known!.!.!.either for something other than your poetry, or for your poetry!.!.!.and if you get known by your poetry, it means you need to start small and work up from there!.!.!.that's where "poet's market" comes in!.

If you're looking to start small and just get a few poems published in magazines or anthologies, you should buy a book called "poets market"!.!.!.it comes out each year and provides thousands of publisher names, addresses, points of contacts and details such as what kind of poems they're looking for, how to submit them, etc!.

If you're looking to jump right in and self-publish, then you need to find a "vanity press" that will assist you with getting your book of poetry into print!. These publishers are not cheap, but they offer a variety of publishing options!.

The least expensive way to get your poems out there is to self-publish a chapbook with a dozen or so poems at a time!. These are usually 8 1/2 x 11 inch pages printed on both sides and folded in half with staples on the spine!. The only cost you bear is your time, paper, ink and staples!.

!.!.!.and keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's bad to write poems with emotion!. Poetry is best written from a love for words!. I don't know how to get a book published, but more than likely, editors won't take much interest in emotional poems because every emotion, or solution has been written about countless times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com