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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this dark Poem??

Question: What do you think of this dark Poem!?!?
“Insanity without Guilt”

Rage boils within my cells, through my bones!.
My blood runs black, stone cold to the touch!.
Dreams filled with children’s blood and corpses,
Insanity leaves me with no guilt!.

Numb sensations, dead to your feelings!.
Tears from my eyes have been fully spent,
Only crimson cracks devour them!.
Hands pressed against hallucinations…

These fake cement walls that surround me,
The illusions of distraught faces,
Fake whispers that float around my head,
And you should hear their commands to kill!.

I'm 15, its for my writing class!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with your stament/question that this is a dark poem!. It exhibits your own unquie insanity!. I'm not sure that your teacher will be satisfied with the main theme, but the prose it's self is written well, and contains various biological imageries!. You stuck with that theme through out the poem, which I adored!. I think you should change the fake cements walls, to something else!. Add a hint of bilogogy to this stanza, like mental walls, or imagined walls, or something of the sort, so it seems you have an even more deeper, consistent, theme going on!.
I give it a

it is alright, but it seems forced in areas!. You should go through it again and fix it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is deep, "didnt even bleed"Www@QuestionHome@Com