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Position:Home>Poetry> Alright check this out and suggest a name..thank you?

Question: Alright check this out and suggest a name!.!.thank you!?
Come swing the Time's
grand pendulum clock;
Sing life songs in fine
happy tunes or sad-
at every stop of another
long hour; but sing!.

The golden pot melts,
into dark tides in beaches
brings to our homes
lightless ceilings;
only to warm the bloom
in distant lands-of many
pretty medows breathing
spring's scented breeze

The flowers in lifes
garden may wither,but
sprout from sacred
sand of earth-the fountain
of life: as the Green

So keep swinging in Time's
grand pendulum clock;
sing the notes
-in glee or pain-
of beautiful life songsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow!.!.!.!.!.!.!.beautiful!!! This could be the next big poem of the year!!!! Excelent!!!! I would call it!.!.!.!."The Song of Life" or "Nature Song of Life"

idk!.!.!.!.good job though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A ''C'' for you because of the second stanza which in my reading does not follow the trend set by the rest of the piece!. I will call this ''Sing'!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without my usual "edits" because you just asked for a title:-

"Swinging in Time"Www@QuestionHome@Com

First a little grammar stuff:
Meadow has an "a" in it!.
Life's garden (needs an apostrophe)

Title: The Song of TimeWww@QuestionHome@Com

good job!!!

how about "The Grand Pendulum Clock"!Www@QuestionHome@Com