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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like this?..what should i name it?

Question: Do you like this!?!.!.what should i name it!?
Come swing the time's
grand pendulum clock
Sing the life songs at
every milestone of
another hour in merry
or sad-but sing!.

The golden pot
melts,into dark sea
waters!.!.to bloom in
distant lands, pretty
medows breathing spring's
scented breeze

The flowers in lifes
garden may wither,but
sprout from sacred
sand of earth-the fountain
of life-reincarnated
into the nurturing GreenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bearing in mind that I think the way you write, I find breathtaking!.
The second stanza makes no sense to me!. However, the first stanza
Tells me this has the potential of a great poem!.

The third stanza may need a little work, but what you’re actually saying,
Ties in nicely to the first!.

I have taken out the unnecessary words to demonstrate that your poem can be stronger without them,

You have great poems I’m looking forward to reading your work, keep going, you will be Great!

This is how I see it;-

Come, swing the time's grand pendulum clock
Sing life songs, at every milestone
Another hour be merry or sad, but sing!.
Before another life has flown

The flowers in life’s garden wither,
That sprouted, from sacred sands of earth,
The fountain, of life re-incarnated,
Become a nurturing green for birthWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i do like this!. It is really well written!. It has a lovely flow to it!. One thing i think you could do to make it even better is to describe your poem in the poem a little more!. Amazing work, you should get this published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the flow and strong voice of the piece!. It speaks of nature and new life so I think "Nature's Clock" would be a good title!. Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about "Come Swing into the Scented Breeze of the Nurturing Green"

I think is works cuz it uses words from each section

hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

why dont u call it natural life,haiku poem,or natures secrets!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A life of natureWww@QuestionHome@Com