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Question: A Question For Fellow Poets!?
Do you think that some, if not most, poets tend to think they are the only ones who have ever written anything moving and forget that millions of other people write poems all the time!? I ask this because it was something i had to question myself about, and i'm interested to see if anyone has had that feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's natural to be a little obsessed with your own work, I mean you wrote it, you get what every peice of it means all ready, and when you look at other poems you have to figure it out!. I mean you worked hard on it getting it just right, and it obviously means something very important to you, but what's important to you might not be as important to everyone else!. The most emotional thing to write about for me might be about my cat going missing, other people really don't give a damn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't imagine, I think most poets are influenced and inspired by other poets!. "I'm way better than Shakespeare," is not a phrase that is often uttered, I wouldn't think!.!.!. except by me (hee hee)Www@QuestionHome@Com