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Position:Home>Poetry> What does the sunrise remind you or make you think about?

Question: What does the sunrise remind you or make you think about!?
I think of hope!. And the beggining of a new life!. What does the sunrise mean to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the beginning of another day!. in the time from the sunrise to the sunset, thousands of things will happen!. its like the sun is some kind if gate!. when the day begins, the gate is lifted, and all the chaos come smashing into the universe, and then it is lowered, and trapped again!. during the opening and closings, amazing things happen, incredible things, significant and world changing things, some good, a lot bad, but its still change, and when the sun goes down, the world isnt the same is it was when it first came up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it makes me think of creation and how beautiful the universe is!.!.!.it reminds me of happy times ive shared with others watching the sun rise and setWww@QuestionHome@Com

another chance at a better dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

All right i made it one more dayWww@QuestionHome@Com