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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think love is???

Question: What do you think love is!?!?!?
for a poem i need to know what other people belive love is, through an object, personal experience etc!.!.!.

this is what i've got for my poem its just missing something!.

Some say love is blind,
and some say it’s the only color
the blind can see!.
Some say it’s unwritten
between the pages of a note book
Something that is there yet it’s not

Some people find love easily
other search forever,
And never find what they are looking for,
Whether you are looking or not,
you have to earn its regard

You can say I love you or I hate you,
But no matter what you say,
its how you let that one person know
you will always care,
That you don’t have to use certain words
to express the way you feelWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
love is the eye of a hurricane--a place of calm in the midst of a storm!.
love is the splinter that has gone in too deep--there is pain, but to remove it would require certain loss!.
love is a three point restraint--when your world is crashing, it keeps you safe and centered
love is dark chocolate--bitter sweet, much longed for
love is a tug of war that you hope nobody will ever win--each pulling together, you can't let go
love is a dream--you wake up in the night terrified, ecstatic, or in a cold sweat, but you never know which one until it happens to you


I believe it is the point when you are with anyone and you don't need anything else, just having them next to you!. You aren't trying to impress each other, you can just be yourselves!. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend, it can be a friend, a parent, a relative, or anyone else!.

Hope I helped!

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This is a really nice poem and i really liked it ' but for me sadly Love is just a word that stings and hurts as that's all it has done to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com