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Position:Home>Poetry> Is it to early for poetry? *yawn!* maybe =)?

Question: Is it to early for poetry!? *yawn!* maybe =)!?
Poet Or Writer!. !. !.

Far beneath I do slumber,
far beneath I do sleep,
the soil so soft and rich will ever be my pillow
and the grass will always grow like fine
silk upon my bed!.

My eyes will no longer open and my mouth
will never move!.
My fingers folded, to rest upon my
still chest,
My arms bent gently in a final rest!.

My Lungs will never again be filled
with sweet sweet air,
my ears never to hear the gentle calling of morning birds!.

Far beneath I do slumber,
far beneath I do sleep,
far above is the grass and the tomb stone that reads
“rest in peace”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What is really the question here!?
1) if it's too early for poetry!? or
2) who is the writer/poet!?

I can only answer 1)
No it's not too early for poetry!.
This poem is absolutely beautiful!.!.!.My dad's 1st year death anniversary is tomorrow!.!.!.so it's quite thought provoking yet peaceful as the first person said!.

unfortunately I don't know who is the poet/writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so peaceful!.

Captures my sentiments on the subject!.

heres a starWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love this poemWww@QuestionHome@Com