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Question: Your thoughts in this Poem!?
I really enjoy this poem and it means differents things to every person i have asked!. I want to here your thoughts in this poem!.
What is the main idea of this poem and how does it makes you feel!? what are your emotions!? Here is the link to the poem!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had to read it twice in order to get the full feeling of the poem but i really did think it was beautiful

i particuarly liked the line

When you make peace with others
then the whole world live in your heart

that just reminded me of me!.!.when everyone is getting on and happy and peacefully the whole world really does live in your heart!.!.!.

i think it was a wicked poem and would be interested in reading more

hope this helped


peace is all around

all you have to do is look for it, we meaning a majority of people see the problems and hate or anger or violence but don't bother to see the peace and goodness anymore

in this sense we've become a society of glass half empty peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very beautiful poem!.
Being a devout catholic, i am naturally in tune to this stuff!.
If you are wanting to want to have peace, then it will be with you!.
If only everyone thought like that!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice poem!.
Main Idea = Inner peace
Makes me feel like being more peaceful with myself and othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is nice!. I surely enjoyed that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com