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Position:Home>Poetry> Who would win, a VampireThrong or VanHelsing and his Steed?

Question: Who would win, a VampireThrong or VanHelsing and his Steed!?
Desperation in Deception

The Coven stood round
waiting for the inevitable
Helsing’s appearance on the horizon
TitanClash inescapable
Stranger held LanettLoves hand
kept her safe amongst the brave
Vampires stood in DarkenedDoors
fearing light beyond their cave
On BrightWings of DayBreak
a horse and rider came
Lanett clung closer to her guard
all knew this man’s FoulGame
On his steed he rode with drive
as Hell itself rode at his back
a pistol ready at one side
and eyes SetReady for attack
“What was the pact he sealed
For which he needs my blood!?”
Lanett’s tears made the Stranger cry
with Wrath amongst the flood
“He wished for LongerLife
to slay those who him did wrong!.
On the grave of SlaughteredWife
he swore the death of VampireThrong!.
Only after his foul oath
did he realize
without his soul he’d never see
the love in KindredEyes!.
The only way to break this pact
is for your blood to spill
But do not pity this DamnBeast
He only wishes ill…”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, this has great insight into Helsing's character and quest!. He made a pact with the devil for longer life to slay the"VampireThrong" who slaughtered his wife, yet he rendered himself soulless and unloveable to her, to "KindredEyes"!. One part of this story's perspective that is so fascinating is that he is really not the definitive "DamnBeast" for he swore vengeance out of love for his wife!. And yet our champions are the Undead!. I love the use of words in this poem!. "On BrightWings of DayBreak" is a beautiful line!. On with the story!.!.!.on and on! Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oddly enough we are all hoping it is the Vampires!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, no pity for the beast!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just so you'll know!. im still reading your poems!.

but i wish i could understand them more!.

i feel kind of dumb!.!.!.

!.!.bless my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com