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Question: A magazine poem - can someone decipher this!?
"This Yellow"

Hope in the mind is the purest white,
For nothing tastes so sweet,
And nothing shines so brightly!.
But if gazed upon more closely,
However uncertain, there exists a hue
In its precious face!.
No dark color nor mid-tone,
But one that’s bright,
But darker than white!.
With a faint whisper,
Yellow hints at its presence,
And does so shyly,
For it sees my smile and desires not
To take it away!.
However, it must warn me -
That hope does not birth sureties!.
This yellow tinge glows
To distinguish hope from a road to certainty,
For if these two were one in the same,
So hope and uselessness would be!.
Yellow is brilliant,
But not quite white!.
An encouraging warning
Its existence is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We all hope, it keeps us going, but hope can be disappointing, misplaced!. If we hope for something greatly and we don't get it, we are crushed!.

I think it basically saying that hope is a good thing, but it knows that it can be harmful!.

sorry if that's useless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yellow and white, i think, are metaphors for different personalities, if this poem is relative to a person, the person might be bi-polar to some extent!. the yellow is still a good color!.!.!.just different!. it deserves as much attention as white does!.

P!.S i tend to ramble!.!.!."sorry"Www@QuestionHome@Com

the yellow is letting this person know that is isn't only hope that will get you what you want but rationality and reality as well (that is the yellow)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the more yellow, the more illusion, but since that is all we can see, yellow is very important, it reveals the white!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the poem suggests that hope does not come with a guarantee of certainity!.!.!.so hope is not really purest of white,it comes with a yellow tint of mild warningWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hope is but a possibility!.!.!.!.not a certaintyWww@QuestionHome@Com

don't try to decipher it! it just is! if you can't understand it, then you're a noob!Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg thats the best thing that ive ever read!.!.!.i think im gonna cry!? ha ha ha but seriously i loved itWww@QuestionHome@Com

the thing you have to remeber with poetry is you may want to get someone else to tell you what the poem means but in reality some poems like this you can not do this because you get the meaning out of it that you see from it cause not all people are going to cngure up the same picture take a painting of a man standing behind his sun playing in the floor with his big red trucks what is the first thing you notice is it the boy or is it the man standing or maybe its the red truck or what about the room they are in i hope this analogy helps to concrete my idea of an answer to your request
the iron manWww@QuestionHome@Com