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Position:Home>Poetry> Lol, another poem I've found which I did at 9?

Question: Lol, another poem I've found which I did at 9!?
Memories Fly Everywhere
Sitting by my Father’s bedside, death bedside, sadness fills the air,
Last few moments of his life, memories fly everywhere!.
At the beach, five years ago, jumping over waves,
The sea comes up and gulps me down but help is on the way,
Strong arms come to lift me up, my Father’s face I see,
Gasping, wheezing, coughing for air, I cling to him gratefully!.
Autumn comes; we look for chestnuts, stamping through the leaves,
I scratch myself on the prickly cases, Father comes, he sees!.
Christmas day, a happy time for exchanging presents and cards,
Father gives me the present I most wanted, he gave up smoking which must have been hard!.
Now it’s spring and he’s almost gone, he’d done so many things for me,
It’s my turn now to do something for him; I’ll keep him in my memory!.

I wrote it for a poetry competition, it got shortlisted and I came 4th!. What do you think!? I'm kinda fond of it, I remember my teacher asking whether I was ok cos she thought my dad had died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's very good!. Especially for a nine year old!. It has great imagery!. It's something I would read twice, which I did!. haha!. I love the part about the beach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is much more deserving than 4th!.
this is soooo amazing for something that you wrote when you were 9!. i've been writing poetry for a long time!. but i dunno if i could pull this off!.!.!.

Age 9!? Impressive!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yet again, unbelievable!. Publish a poetry book, please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

u wrote that at 9 wow u should b famous lol its great ya ic how shed get that impressionWww@QuestionHome@Com

i really enjoyed it and you have a lot of potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol!. Very nice!. I have the same charismatic ability as you do!. At least i don't feel alone!.
My English teacher keeps asking me if i plagiarize out of books!.
Hehe!. Heres on i wrote in 8th grade:
There is a sleeping sword; an untold battle within herself!. Mango street wants to keep her, and she wants to be free!. In the recesses of her mind, she knows mango street as a place for thinking, a haven for thought!.
Simplicity - Soft, yet explicit, It is the very bond that ties us and separates us from the mechanical world!. That creates our future and destroys our past!. It gives us hope, yet terrorizes our world!. That is the power of simplicity!.
Four trees accompany Esperanza there on mango street!. They tell her of years of watching!. Watching for the unexpected, and if it comes and you do not find it, race after it, and it will take you beyond the moon and the stars!.
There is a plate of food!. All the food in the world is there, and is in the world!.
It is food from all different countries, from all different heritages and people!.
They are all unique like Esperanza and the trees!. "They will not know she has gone away to come back," (110, The house on mango street)
Esperanza will not give in her uniqueness to blend in like her enemy!.
They will not know she has grown wings and flown far away to bring riches back, to bring knowledge back!. "Her power is her own, and she will not give it away!." (89)
She has flown away to show the skinny trees, and the plate of food, and mango street; she has flown away to show them than uniqueness is just as powerful as knowledge - which go hand in hand -!.
Like Esperanza and mango street!.

That was a project i wrote in English class on a book called The house on mango street!. The teacher loved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com