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Question: Need help with my poem!?
anyways im up at 4 AM dunno why and decided to write a poem!. But it only ended up to be less than 6 lines!. So its possible the shortest poem you will ever read, if you can call it that!. Can you help add more lines!. (i cant get past cries of mother earth)

Swiftly the sound,
Carries through the wind!.
I hear it call to me,
I hear it sing to me!.
The cries of mother earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi - Beautiful beginning, I altered the wording just a teency bit!. I realize this may not have been at all the direction you were looking to take the poem, but somehow this is how it came out!. I write allot of poetry, specifically spoken word, so if you want to really get the full impact of the rhymes and rhythms etc, read it aloud!. I don't know how much experience you have reading spoken word!.!.!.just remember that you don't have to stop at the end of every line, try reading it by following through on the punctuation!.!. I hope you enjoy it and if not, I can only hope that someone out there does!.

Swiftly the sound
Is carried on the wind!.
At one time it would sing to me!.
But now I hear it call to me,
The cries of Mother Earth,
The anguish of her tortured voice
Cuts through the city chatter!.
Through the clatter of metallic parts,
Of traffic whizzing, whirring,
Motors purring,
I hear
Rushing past my ears
Sweet Mother Earth's lament
For all her treasure, now seen spent
And squandered!.
My mind wanders through the words
Unheard by all the world
Unheeded by the media
Who push their products on the masses
Leaving bruises, gouging out a place
On Mother Earth fast ageing face!.
Our waste returns to dirt and taints
That once sweet sound of melody,
Of Mother Earth's once resounding voice
That once sang out to me,
And now calls out in pain to me,
That blows so swiftly on the wind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cries of mother earth still
pounding in my ears, as if it were my own
heart, yet I felt no fear,
Sun dances on a Brooke that rushes by

This not good but the only thing that comes to my mind maybe you can use some of it or maybe it will help give you more ideas
Good Luck it was fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Swiftly the sound,
Carries through the wind!.
I hear it call to me,
I hear it sing to me!.
The cries of mother earth!.
are daunting to me
i sing upon a hill
as mother natures cries to me
the sounds are so sweet
ther are fatal to me
ow how i long
for mother nature to be meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Swiftly the sound,
Carries through the wind!.
I hear it call to me,
I hear it sing to me!.
The cries of mother earth!.

Calling me from eternity
To embrace her love
And give all that!.!.
Which she has stored in me
I release my fruit, I am her treeWww@QuestionHome@Com