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Position:Home>Poetry> Crit on poem?

Question: Crit on poem!?
That girl in the mirror
That girl's not me

With her sad eyes
And her frown
Moving through her life facedown

No, that girl in the mirror
That girl that you see
That girl in the mirror
She isn't meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're doing something interesting with form, if that's intentional, more so than a lot of people!.
it's okay, i don't love it, i don't hate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, ok, well your 'poem' reminds me of a statement by a prof I had in communications years ago at usc " if you cannot communicate the least you should do is SHUT UP!" I am pretty sure he was directing it to me personally!. Yeah, we haven't exchanged christmas cards!. ever!. You might be well advised to listen to that advise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no offense or anything but to me it just doesn't seem finished!. but hell wat do i know, i couldn't tell great poetry if it bit me in my ***Www@QuestionHome@Com