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Position:Home>Poetry> Final version of this poem. Is it done, or well done.?

Question: Final version of this poem!. Is it done, or well done!.!?
"emerald eyes"

Dusk shines on her milk white thighs,
Torn and bloody, weeping skies!.
Winds all gathered for her birth,
Now alone, she walks the earth!.

Though percieved as mortal sin,
All around her, none have been!.
Her hot scarlet lips taste sweet,
kneeling down I kiss her feet!.

All my fears, retreat in time,
I give up!.!.!.my heart resigned!.
Crawling from guilt, to beg of thee,
take me back!.!.!.hear my plea!.

My soul poisoned from within,
drink deep promise, love again!.
In the blood drenched midnight skies
my only thought!.!.!.her emerald eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Little words mean a lot! Very pretty! Who is this woman with the emerald eyes!? Who is this woman with fair skin and the sky and winds gathered at her birth, who now walks alone!? Who is this woman that you kiss her feet!? Your X wife!? X lover!? Is she from outer space!? a celestial being!? I know I won't get points here, but who in the heck is she!? Wouldn't be Eve, would it!? Run out of guesses!. I THINK YOU SHOULD MAKE THAT KNOWN IN THE POEM!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ending was PERFECT! I'm speechless!

Okay, I'm not actually speechless!. Haha, I don't think it's possible for me to be speechless!. But that's the closest I've ever been!.

The imagery is amazing!.!.!. milk white things, weeping skies, hot scarlet lips, blood drenched midnight skies!.!.!.!.

Your feelings of anguish are so perfectly expressed, I'm jealous!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if it is done, but you should definitely stop!.You may want to take up another hobby, macramé perhaps, or if this is your chosen vocation, might i recommend Dental Hygiene!? But, what do I know, I didn't even read Moby Dick until it came out in the Classic Comics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!. that's beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's amazing!. WELL DONEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well done, take it from the grill before it turns to char!.
Excellent work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com