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Position:Home>Poetry> Trying to cure my writer's block. It's not great, but it's all that

Question: Trying to cure my writer's block!. It's not great, but it's all that came out!. What do you think!?
Sometimes my colors run,
they can't always be
bold and beautiful!.
They're not always
vivacious and full of

My paint brush
does not always hold
a masterpiece
within it's bristles,
Hardly does!.

At times I want
to throw the canvas away,
start from scratch!.
But I fear

Then there's times
when the colors flow,
and everything makes sense!.
And the picture becomes

I'm not Picasso
or Da Vinci!.
I can't be everything,
but I'm certainly not

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your pen
is your own creation,
you are not what you write,
you write what you are!.

Write, wrong,
no such definition!.
Fear no regret,
words on the page
artistry in the mind!.

The first step taken,
intrepid sister,
take my hand,
we'll walk the road together!.
You are everything,
in your words,
you are more

than everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is one of those poems meant for emotional release and Therapeutic balance! You have done this in an attempt to find something more meaningful in your art and though it is not original (as you said) really, nothing is!. I loved it and I think it will clear your case of WriterBlockEriea real quick!. I was waiting for some more of your stuff, I can't get to your other poetry sight because of where I am on the computer so this is nice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's good!. I like it -very visual and something to which anyone who has ever either painted or been discouraged (and gotten over it) can relate!. Only one little quibble: I think "vivacious" and "full of life" is a bit redundant!. You can probably get by on just one or even expand your theme in some other way!. But that's just me!. I doesn't sound like you have writer's block at all!. Very good!.


Painting with Words (for Sher)

She stands and paints
Then waits
For inspiration
Touches and pauses
And causes
Imagination to expose
Time freezes
What pleases her
She creates
On the screen
And in between
The strokes stand out
As a silent sentinel
Standing guard
Like paint drying hard
The language of expression
Refreshing and new
Reaches out!.!.!.!.!.
!.!.!.!.and touches her

Thus endeth the Block! Go Sher!Www@QuestionHome@Com

At times I want
to throw the canvas away,
start from scratch!.
But I fear

This bit is good, and needs to be explored!. What if this crap I'm writing is actually good, or turns into something good!? Philip K!. Dick's Exegesis is over 8000 pages, exemplifying this theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really really like it 10/10!. I am having trouble with writers block as well and oh boy is it killing me!
I hope you get over it soon (lol why bother if your poetry is this good while you have block!)
again awesome poem, I liked it alot=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is emptiness sung
Nothing is meaning with no words
Nothing is permanance undone
Nothing is a soul without a soul

Since you posess none of the above, you are hereby granted the status of human, caring, poetic being!. The muse has returned! Well penned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's beautiful!. (BTW "it's" should be "its" in stanza 2 line 4 since it's possessive - no apostrophe)!. There is a great article in ehow on how to get rid of writer's block!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you are something, and I like your poem, it speaks of
a mood one can relate to with colorful words, well done!.
Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A great description, well-written, of the strife all poets experience!. My muse is presently on vacation!. And most definitely, you are something!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it! I scold the piano, admonish the canvas and discipline the mouse all day long!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is you with writers block you shouldn't sell yourself so short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really love how this poem flows smoothly!.!.!.especially the last line of every stanza!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've got the same problem!.!.!.
Maybe we should bang our heads together!
I do like the poem, by the way!. Great visual!Www@QuestionHome@Com