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Position:Home>Poetry> Okay this may make sense better?

Question: Okay this may make sense better!?
I am the earth,
Through long grass stalks-
-interlaced lashes
of my eyes I see you, my red,
red rose bathed in iridiscent colours
under morns early beams!.

I sigh a breeze,for
the Midnight Maiden
has touched you,yet again
left fresh honey dew kisses-
-bejeweling your parted
red petal lips with a morning star

I am the dirt,the filth that wraps
you in mud, but I nurture,
Im your lover I will be here
forever in pain; forbidden to make
a sound of this song:
my love professed
in purest formWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it!. I like the nature feel to it, it sounds very beautiful!.
I've put much thought into it and I think its perfect!. I like the comparison b/w grass stalks and eye lashes, honey dew kisses, red petal lips!. and the last paragraph, I feel is very honest!.

Good work! Keep at it girl!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's really cool^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes I reallly like it now!Www@QuestionHome@Com