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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you do when you realize the truth?

Question: What do you do when you realize the truth!?

obligation to my
secrets, to my

Remember when love was
only an emotion,
saving us from mortality!?

Except it didn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They look deep in the other's eyes,
And swear an oath to tell no lies!.
Their love will span eternal time,
To feel this way is not a crime!.
Then one dark day a slip is made,
The truth gets hidden in some glade!.
What they don't know won't cause a hurt,
For all we did was wink and flirt!.
The lie we tell will eat our heart,
And grow and grow till we must part!.
The little wink becomes a kiss,
The lie is harder now to miss!.
Soon will the lie grow big and black,
We'll split apart with a loud crack!.
The truth will spill out on the ground,
We'll tell each other, "see ya round"!.
Eternity came here today,
And took both our true loves away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember when love had the power to make me immortal!.!.!.but it ididn't!. A heartless life lesson to bo learned in a loss of innocence!. I try to force my secrets and my sadness back into the realm of memory, but they will not yet be caged!. Once again your poetry has had the power to make me feel powerfully, and to make me ponder the truth!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember when I told you
that I would always love you
Now that means so little
in the chaos that has risen
In a separation
not yet felt so strongly
you are gone away now
and I cannot find memory
Distance clouds my mortal eye
and ears are not so open
Should we meet again soon
I hope you would see me
as the one you loved when you left
though I am no longer changedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes - the days of "true love" will solve everything!. A wonderful foggy - pink glowing - euphoric state!. When the balloon bursts - and your "soul mate" is more like Yin Yang - with you on the receiving end of h-ll!. Oh well, life is just an eye-opener of experiences!. But - oh - solitude and isolation are needed - to preserve one's innocence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! I remember!. We are forever mortals, even if loves has enraptured to the point where our sight is foggy!. When we realize the truth, we press on regardless!. For what is our choice really!? We must go on - and create new memories!. Hopefully, better each time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to answer your question!.!.!.
to try to live as respectfully and humbly as we can!.!.!.
realizing that we will all fall down!.

nice poem!. very deep insight!.

Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit!.
Kahlil Gibran

best wishes and warm regards!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eva!. its perfect!.
a story for some!.
and it is a truth!.

to answer the question,
we are reminded of truths everyday!.
its the choice to accept or deny
that determines how we live!.
i know you know all that anyway tho!.
your poem!.!.!.!.the rooster in the morning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To confess a love is not always to enter into a loverly Paradise but to acknowledge something you have always known to be there!. Just don't let that barrier that you have crossed bind you to something you are unsure you wanted bound to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is so sad, so hard to absorb!. My natural inclination is to offer comfort and advice!. I wish I could, this was never my field of expertise!. Does it even matter what I think of the poem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Memories carry the sorrows forward!. Too bad we could not redeem them at times like stamp books!. Well penned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I remember!. This is an amazing poem, you said so much within so little!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very good!. For me, it does not need that last line!. I was already unsaved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems like the end of the world when you're 15!.
Lovely work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sit back and I say, "huh!.!.!. that's good to know" and the poem does this search for truth justice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Moss rose huh!? Confessing our love are we!? Well that's the meaning of moss rose but this poem doesn't seem like a love confession!.!.!.So I am confusedWww@QuestionHome@Com