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Position:Home>Poetry> My poem. Does it sound good?

Question: My poem!. Does it sound good!?
Sweet Addiction

My love for you will never end
It's not like metal that breaks and bends
I am the pitch blackness on a dark night
And you are the stars and moon that give me light
A dark and troubled soul I used to be
Then you came along carrying my hearts key
I am your heroin
You are my wine
And I am so glad that you are all mine
I love you with all my heart
And all my soul
With you in my life
It's never ever dullWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it!. It's good!. The one piece of advice i might give you is that its a little simple!. You might want to break it up a little!. Make some stanzas instead of just one long poem!. Stanzas will make it flow better!. The rhyme is good but the rhythm needs a bit of work!. It's really cute though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. It's good!. The one thing of advice i might give you is that its a little simple!. You might want to break it up a little!. Make some stanzas instead of just one long poem!. Stanzas will make it flow better!. Do not worry about the the rhythmWww@QuestionHome@Com


I found my English project poem now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sweet!! it has soo much meanining!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. ty for finishing my projectWww@QuestionHome@Com