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Question: Read my poem! number 2!?
Feels like Im falling apart
And I have to hold it together
Or else you will fall apart
All together

I just wish I would die
So I dont have to watch another tear

How am I to know
Who to be and what choices to make
and deep inside im starting to disappear
Like a falling star's wake

Just want to sleep forever
Dying after every dream

Why must I awake into this world
When I have never felt real
Losing myself inside this world
Everythings too realWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can relate to this poems vibe, and message!. I feel that same way some mornings!.

"Like a falling star's wake!."
I think this sentence makes the poem a brilliant piece of work!.
The rest is kind of dull, because of your lack of imaging through out the poem,
but yet it has leaves an emotional impact on me!.
I give it 7/10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should study the classics, and work on your punctuation (even though e!.e!.cummings ignored punctuation)!. Particularly their use of "impersonality", which is hard to show without a diagram, but I'll do my best:

There are two entities: The Poet and the Poem!. The poem is the medium that the poet conveys an emotion or feeling!. The two are separate!. (This is where it gets confusing)!. The poet has personality and emotions!.!.!. the poems should NOT be a direct reflection on these!. Instead the poem must have it's own separate emotion!.

What you write about should not be exactly what you are writing about!. Do you understand!? The way of the poet is to be shrouded in mystery!. Talking about one thing, drawing parallels and comparisons, but really meaning another, deeper thing!.

Let me give you an example:

Tears of the stars
Lay as snow
Fairies skate
On frozen lakes
Naked trees
Have shed their leaves
I wait for the day
When the ice melts away
And then the sky will glow
Spring shall again be ours!.

*This poem is not about nature!. It is only about nature and the winter-y observations on the surface!. Read it again, closely, and try to see the real meaning!.*

"Show, don't tell" is what we're always told!. So show me how you feel!. Through your words make me feel how you feel, without telling me how to feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The beggining is good!. But the end is alright so 7/10Www@QuestionHome@Com