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Position:Home>Poetry> Can we travel beyond the reach of words?

Question: Can we travel beyond the reach of words!?
Beyond Reach
by Elaine P

What hidden place
lies beyond the reach
of words!?

Words cross the void
span the galaxies
of stars!.

Words reach the heart
soothe the soul reeling
in pain!.

Words are not virtual
though sent as photons
through the ether!.

Can a touch of your hand
lead beyond the reach
of words!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am playing a wait and see game if we can travel beyond the reach of words!. I love the stanza: 'Words reach the heart soothe the soul reeling in pain!.' This is very relative to my present state!. The entire poem reaches into the depths of my soul!. Great poem Elaine!. Thought provoking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Should your silken finger entwine through the sandpaper skin of my own, and your velvet lips touch mine, I would indeed be transported instantly to a dimension totally devoid of words, so that it would be impossible for any writer of immaculate words to describe the place or the feeling!. Beautiful poem, and yes a touch can lead to many places words cannot or dare not travel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It always takes more than words, mere photons through the ether, it takes intent, it takes truth and honesty, it takes heart!.

I liked this poem as it sends the mind within itself, questioning if it is enough, whatever it may be!.

In the end, only the poet knows if their words are true!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elaine! You write my daily thought, and think on the Helen Keller Ouote, "The most beautiful things of the world are not seen or heard, they are felt in the heart!."

"Actions speak louder then words!." And yet we humans seem to need, the All or nothing at all,Looking for completion
do you think!?

Whatever, Your poem is a poem of beauty, don't change a word! BlessingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem is very good!.
I liked the comment above; that not all words seem to reach everyone!.

Your poem was soothing!.!.!.
I write too much harsh social commentary!.!.!. and just vent anger, sometimes!. This type of poem is a major reason that I keep coming back to the Poetry section; the type that reaches beyond words and touches my heart!.!.!. it should keep me from those anger-venting poems inside of me for a while!.
I might need another dose!.!.!. I've been going through some hard times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is beautiful! The power of words is unspeakable!.

I thought you were in my contacts!.!.!.Why do I have to search for your poems!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lovely poem!.
Yes, a touch, a glance, a kiss, a perfect moment in time that no words could come close to, these do exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Written words remain!.
Spoken words disappear!.
Virtual words!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fragmented lines
flow though air
down a wire

true lovers


Beyond words
there is a place
of healing!.

Beyond healing
there is a void
of trust!.

Beyond trust
we have nothing
but silence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lovely poem!. Words can reach most every where, but not every one!. Touching poem!.!.!.I especially like the last stanza because it makes you stop and think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful!. This is a perfect poem, and if I were a judge in a competition, this would win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last stanza did!. Well penned!. Emotions play a large part in spoken words!. I always refer to it as the three ways to say no!. My compliments on this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice; I could SEE it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com