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Question: !.iPoem!.!.!.!.!?
I was looking at her
When you approached
You were looking for her
So you could break my heart

Into a thousand pieces
Break our friendship
And shatter past promises
Into shards of glass

Each piercing deeper
Into my skin
Each a dark reminder
Of what you did

I don’t really understand
But I can take a hint
Of what you did
You wanted her yourself

You’re a selfish
Backstabbing liar
You told me it was nothing
Friendship gone

i already posted this!.!.!. but i wanted more input!.!.!. so please my "best" friend is being a jerk!.!.!. and so this is just how im venting


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
how heavy were the things he (!?) did!?!.!.

coz if they really were then this poem is brilliant, with a tiny touch of emoness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com