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Question: Another ipoem!?
The knife in my heart
Has been stung for a while
The relations you start
I don’t anymore see you smile

Your to busy
Laughing with him
Now I see
He was no best friend

He was a liar
Who just used me
To take him higher
And now I see

I was right about him
My heart cant bear
Its quick to rip
Easy to tear

It was fragile as glass
And shattered when hit
With your shot gun past
He charmed you with his wits

its just another one that came to me!.!.!.!. my "best" friend is being an as* but its just how im feeling!.!.!.!. rate it!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's a difficult thing about love & friendship!.!.!.!.
Fragile hearts, when one or the other is going through rough times!.!.!. the rough times might be contagious!.

You still referred to him as your best friend (even if best was in quotations, friend wasn't)!. There must have been more of to the friendship than being taken higher!. The fact that you wrote a poem for him, seems to show that even if he might've been acting like an as*, his actions affected you!.!.!.and your mentioning that it was just how you were feeling!. You've shown that his actions were worthy of a poetical reaction; which, I'm guessing, is a sign of a deeper friendship than one where you were simply being used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!. It touched me!. on a scale from 1-10, I give it a 10!. Keep writing, you r really good, and i look forward to reading more of ur poems in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com