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Question: Care to tag along!?
A look at some memorable tag lines that I recall!. I did not include the one I saw on a billboard in Mn that said "We do Cows!."

Tag along

Tag along here, and if need be…
let your fingers do the walking!.
Journey, for when you care to send
the very best…you are in good hands!
And, along the way…have it your way,
but it has to be the breakfast
of champions!. So… you got milk!?
And please tell, yes tell, where’s the beef!?
Oh, by the way, Clara did call
said she rather have the real thing!
but if coke is it, her mind is scrambled, so
Hmm, hmm, good, yes, just hmm, hmm good!.
And when done, remember… just do it!
But please…please, don’t squeeze the charmin
else Mr!. Whipple will give you a wiping…
while telling you, to not leave home without us!
So, tag along if you will, enjoy the ride…
but remember this wise advice and heed it well:
“You will take a licking, but in the end…
you will keep on ticking!” Book this DanielWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Another brainwave meld!.!.!.I was singing these sings while you wrote it!.

Truth be told, the one from this morning's storm!.!.!.was composed to a beer jingle!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From songs of love and joy or lively jazzy joy, You travel on to
jingles that interrupt the main stream of our concentration,
still they too linger in our mind!

I laughed that you remembered, name of Clara and her beef,
she so very much reminded me of my mother!.

I do enjoy the sunny side of you, thanks for the read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the sublime to the ridiculous and back to the sublime!. Hasn't this been a fun morning!?Www@QuestionHome@Com



Yes, I tagged along!. It was a fun ride!. Very clever Neon!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good for a smile, but it's Dano not Daniel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com