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Position:Home>Poetry> A nice Emo poem. Comment only if you are into Emo poems.?

Question: A nice Emo poem!. Comment only if you are into Emo poems!.!?

The pictures they don't lie,
my words speak free for me!.
I look hard but never touch,
words look back and scream!.

She showed me how to live,
then she ripped out my heart!.
I claim this day for myself,
and my own sefish needs!.

Inside me lies no fears,
just an overdose of drugs!.
Slaughter me and take everything,
please don't let me wake again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. !. !. your trademark artistry!. I like the sudden shock an' awe as if democracy is dropping from a B-17 up the sky!.

pics don't lie, won't lie 'I look hard but never touch!.' i like this bit because the next stanza is third person: 'She showed me how to live!.' it is like sharing a secret!. who is being addressed!? yet an answer if given would deflate poem!.
not in emo but enticing!.
gotta rush!. great piece!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a sad poem!. I get the feeling that the girl led the narrator into a new lifestyle -- drugs, cutting, -- that brought peace for a time to the narrator!. But even that wears thin when times get tough!. So the narrator tells un in the last stanza that life is over, so let him go!.

It's a powerful poem!. For those who care about the emos among us, it is a cry for hel, for care!.

It is beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If Emo means emotions, it is very well written!. If it doesn't mean that, I am not into Emo!. Sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is this about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com