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Position:Home>Poetry> A Nightime Rhyming poem. Hope She likes it. Comments and Criticism.?

Question: A Nightime Rhyming poem!. Hope She likes it!. Comments and Criticism!.!?
"fading memory"

You bring to me such joy,
like a child, a little boy!.
Just knowing that you're there,
The way you show you care!.

I know your love is real,
the way you make me feel!.
It's how you scream my name,
nothing else will feel the same!.

One day I'll start to fade,
like Las Vegas has no shade!.
Just a certain time and place,!.
and a taste of God's good grace!.

When you finally meet the one,
Think back on all our fun!.
Make sure you find a man,
who makes you feel like I can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have a feeling that the girl who you wrote this for will never forget you or what you've done for her!. I can tell just how much you love her by the way you express things in the poem!. Your love is real,, and no matter how far apart you too ever become; no matter how hard yall try not to, you'll have to relieze you will always love each other untill the end of time,, or at least by the time hell freezes over!. LOL!. Even if she does find another man,, she will never forget you and how much you've done for her!. The poem is excelent,, and the amount of feeling shown really makes the poem rather splendid! XoxoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice rhyme!. Lots of feeling and emotion!. Let the naysayers ramble on!. It is good!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

make sure you find a man who completes you as a woman!.
[you deserve an oscar for that performance]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-_- kornyness hurts my brain thannks for thatWww@QuestionHome@Com