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Position:Home>Poetry> Wh do you think of this poem?

Question: Wh do you think of this poem!?
people are a disease
spreading through earth
like the parasites they are
they cause a hell
where once there was a paradise
they kill the beauty and the innocence
that once roamed the lands
they rape and pillage this world
mother nature cries in despair
but mankind will ultimately
end this earth in a cataclysm
with cancerous devices
in a titanic struggle for domination
over himslef and his fellowsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like it was written by a very emotional person who hates the world and thinks the world is a bad place!. Like a black whole!. At the same time, I think that its beautiful because of all the emotion put into it!. You could submit it to poetry !.com

Its that good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it a lot as you really are speaking the truths of whats going on now and you really put your heart and soul into it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com