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Question: Help with War Poetry Essay!?!!?
I need to write a paper on some first world war poetry!. I have chosen " The Volunteer, by Herbert Asquith ", " Attack by Siegfried Sassoon ", " The Soldier by Rupert Brooke ", " Suicide in the trenches by Seigfried Sassoon " and " Anthem for doomed youth by Wilfred Owen "!. I was wondering if anyone could help me with any background information on the poem not the poets, what i should include in my essay, how to start it and anything else you think might be appropriate!.

As you can see i am at a loss!.

Thanks for reading !.x!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:



You could try contrasting the romantic, sentimental themes of Asquith and Brooke poems with the bleak, pessimistic tone of the Sassoon and Owen poems!. Asquith's poem encourages enlistment, Brooke's was written without him having seen combat - he died on the way to Gallipoli)!. Both Sassoon and Owen spent time in hospital for shell-shockWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you even tried a search on each of these poems through Google or Ask!.com!? I think you'll get some good ideas from such searches and the websites they can point you to!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com