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Question: So, why do men play with balls!?
Men and Balls

Hold on all, this is PG rated
gutter huggers, elsewhere you go!.
Query is simply…what’s the truth!?
Why do men play with ballsy shapes!?
We must strive to understand this!.
Why man is predisposed to …
obsess on all things circular!.

Hell, even Adam liked his apples!
Goliath fell with circular stone,
and Aztecs played their brutal game!.
Even footballers kicked a few!.
Some honor must go to Atlas too!.
Thrown, catapulted, gun powered all,
shapes round, seeking mans demise!.
And poison pills!? Started as round!
Round and round we go with this logic!.
But the real truth must be told at last,
of why men love their balls…really!
But, before the revelation, excuse me,
for I feel an itch descending!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ahhh men and their balls!.!.!.

Balls are perfect, they are round, they bounce pretty high, when they touch the ground, most balls we like, and this is true, but no one appreciates!.!.!.balls that are blue!.

That took a lot of balls Neon!!!


Could it be because, men are always in chase of some thing racing by them, be it people, time or space, What other item
can move in as many different directions!. Seems a ball even challenges gravity!. As you said, this is PG! So I shall keep my other answer to my self!Www@QuestionHome@Com

blue is the sky looks likes a ball;
but it is not there ever to fall!.
so the men prefer to care;
ball-like shapes ever to there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Finally, an answer to my question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wanted to know if she was ticklish, so I gave her a couple of test tickles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They want to impress the women:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever tried to kick a cube!?Www@QuestionHome@Com