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Question: Want to read my poem!.!.!. comments, thoughts, suggestions!?
Resting and jesting with the best of the world's furthest depths;
Loooking above at those who are stuck thinking of themselves!.
A feeling of amusement at how their illusion of superiority crept
Then, I wept for their denial of wisdom; that my level had dealt

"Savage" people; we might kill animals for the warmth of a pelt
My people; with a void where they should have respect!.
Our true words!.!.!. which a majority recognizes as so heart-felt
Our beliefs in equality!.!.!. where we earn the love which we elect!.

Songs of love and equality, played off as utopian nonsense;
Those honorable hearts and their minds of common sense!.
Those which are priceless and sold for far less than their worth!.
Loving those of a likeness; calming one another's pains & hurt!.

My favorite sort of people; adapting to environments of dirt!.
Fighting pain and themselves since birth
My most honorable, lovable and detestable sort of people!.
A toast to their goodness which is disrespectfully titled "evil"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of the most beautiful ever written!.
Bravo, or Brava, depending on your gender!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This poem is quite complex and very interesting!. There is a dichotomy of images, especially in the last stanza, which is very thought provoking and esoteric!. This is a beautiful and well thought out poem!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your message, "Evil is honorable and lovable" is brusque and befuddled!. The rest is a fairly straight-forward F*** You for the average reader!. Welcome, Earthling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com