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Position:Home>Poetry> Is anybody willing to look at a poetry folder of mine via e-mail? If so, provide

Question: Is anybody willing to look at a poetry folder of mine via e-mail!? If so, provide email or i will post it!.!.!?
I would really appreciate this!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think some of us would like more information:

How many poems are there!?

How many pages long is the folder!?

When do you need a response!? Or, if there isn't a deadline, when would you LIKE to get comments back!?

How extensive would you like comments to be!?

Are you interested in anyone commenting on these, no matter whether they like reading poetry or not!? Or would you prefer "common readers" of poetry, or only people who profess to be poets, or only poets whose work you like (after given the chance to see some of it)!?

!.!.!. so, as you can see, a number of considerations must be taken into account, especially since you are asking people to donate their time and energy to your endeavor!.

Take care,

Hope you got my message on your other question!. Just e-mail the folder as an attachment via my Yahoo Answers profile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would love to look at it and give you my honest feedback!. and when i say honest i mean that, i will give pointers as to things to help you out if you like


in sub line put poetry y/a or something like that so i open it and know it not spam


i will take a look at it =]