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Position:Home>Poetry> Brother wrote a poem what's this mean...?

Question: Brother wrote a poem what's this mean!.!.!.!?
"Giving Up"
Life is so hard
Society sucks
Life never goes the right way
Everything is so overwhelming
So why don't we let up
I'm so tired of this
I'm just going to give upWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this does not mean he is suicidal!.!.!.!.!.he is just expressing how he feels right now!.!.!.that is a good thing instead of holding it all in!.!.!.usually suicidal people hold everything in and then they finally blow up!.!.!.maybe he just doesnt kno of anyone 2 talk 2 so he is just letting his feelings out this way!.!.!.i do the same thing!.!.!.i wouldnt be that worried about it but just keep an eye on himWww@QuestionHome@Com

You need to talk to your brother about this!. Sorry to say this but he might be suicidal!. He is depressed about his life he hates the way he is living all his dreams seem to be shattering!. The best advice I could give you is to be their for your brother be their and support him!. Don't let him give up, talk to your parents about this!. Almost everybody hits this stage in life when you find yourself alone and nobody seems to care and that goes from down hill!. Try to get close to your brother talk to him over this poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe he has suicidal tendencies (lots of people do) but that doesnt necessarily mean he's going to try to kill himself!. if your concerned talk to him about it!. i think you should ask him if he wants professional help!. and even if he denies it!. ask him again!. if he says no then you can be the one to be there for him!. even though you should tell your parents, its not wise too!. especially if he doesnt want professional help!. sometimes all you need is a friend to talk to!. let him cry on your shoulder!. really!.!. ask him whats wrong!. you need to make him tell you!. get it off his chest!. tell him your there for him and he can trust you and rely on you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya he is really upset about stuff right now, so either he is going to stop caring about things like school, grades, others, and even himself!. he may be leading toward a sucicidal path, just make sure you get him help right away by someone you trust or know you can count on (church people, neighbors, parents, family members, councelor, best friend, etc!.) talk to him and try to cheer him up and give him compliments too!. just whatever you do don't bring him down, and don't leave him alone, he needs someone right now if he says so or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This poem means, Giving up is what society wants you to do, it wants you to abandon your ideology of rebellion, of freedom!. He is a visionary!.!.!.

Give him a cookie,
tell him he is a good boy,
Rub his belly if you have too!. He just wants to feel freedom! every once and a while take him on a leash and take him for a walk around the neighborhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

awwww thats sad!. you should be talking to him ASAP and make sure that everything is alright and let him know that whatever he is going thru can always get better!. we have all been at that point were we do feel like giving up but its just a phase, he probably needs to talk to someone, i mean like family not any professionals!. they dont do anything but piss you off even more! just listen to him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Often times when i'm feeling sad, i sit down & write things that sound similar to this!. It's just a way for me to get my frustration out!. The next day i'll look at it & realize how silly i was feeling when i wrote it!. Unfourtunately when someone happens upon something like this they can't second guess it!. You must talk to your parent(s), guardian, or any adult you trust about what you found right away!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like he is very depressed and may be thinking of ending it all!. If he isn't just doing a lot of different types of poetry to see what style he wants to write, then I suggest you let someone else know about the poem like your parents or some counselor!. He may need someone to talk to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok hun it doesnt mean hes suicidal!.!.!. but like i wrote poems like this and started cutting (thank god i dont n e more) but yes look out of he has cuts on his wrist or legs hun!.!.!. cuz trust me going like this is bad!.!. i ran away and i almost got hurt badly!.!.!. i also have many scars from that stupid stage!.!.!. and eventually it got so bad were i thought of jumping a building!.!. its bad!.!. but like suicidal comes after time!.!.!. i think you should try to ask him about it!.!. and if hes been like this for while!.!.!. then look out for scars and stuff that lok like cuts!.!. if he does dont take into ur own hands trust me my friends never helped only wen my parents found out i stoped so tell you parents if you find!.!.!. its jus a poem but it could mean hes depressed and hope it doesnt get worse good luck hunWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it means that he can't stand the way society is today and that life is cruel and unfair!. It doesn't necessarily mean he's suicidical, but maybe he's going through a difficult phase of life right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he sounds severly depressed and giving up on life!. he sees no reason to keep living!. he may find a way through his anger or grief or whatever he may be going through now!. but yes he sounds depressed and maybe it is only something he felt like writing but i highly doubt that!. maybe problems at school!? please get an adult to listen to you and share what you know!. he needs help!. better to be safe than sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhh I hate to break it to yah, but this sounds pretty suicidal to me!. Your brother is talking about how his life sucks and how hard it is, and how nothing goes the way he would like it to!. You must help him, try to help him get make his life better!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should get some towels for the cleanupo process and have a phone on short reach<JK>!.I believe he just wants to kick the hell out of a few people that are making him mad, i would ask him and support him, by that i mean help him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like he is sucidal i would tell your parents and if they wont listen maybe a school couseler or someone else you trust (if you are religion your pastor) i would tell someone now! dont worry about him being mad, he is reaching out for helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

He's saying basically that no one likes him and things are getting stressful!. But, I would be worried about that last 2 lines: "I'm so tired of this, I'm just going to give up"!.!.!.!. that might be a red flag!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he is just letting out his frustration with life and NO ONE can say they aint said "Im soooo fed up with this!!!!"
But I just think your brothers putting his frustration into a poem instead into a person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To make him feel beter tell him some girls came to your house and said he was sexy or something!. But yea it is a sucidal poem!. Doesn't neccisarily mean that he will kill himself, just look at the songs from all rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe he's expressing his exasperation!. It may just be a way to vent!. He probably felt like giving up!.!.!.not life!.!.but what he was doing at the time!. Gosh, I hope he's not suicidal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means his life sucks, can't tell you more than that!. Not sure there is any way to talk someone out of committing suicide!.

Just show him love and hope for the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no! of course not! he obviously had a bad day or something!. thats a good poem! make him feel happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's somewhere between discouraged and suicidal!. That's a lot of turf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have to say to go wit the title giving up its to hard i guessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dude stop him!. Hes going suicidal no joke!. Help him find that life can be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your brother might be feeling depressed!. Talk to him and see how he's feeling!. This may be his way of asking for help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it is a depressed poem!. I would keep an eye on him becausethat is a little weird to think that way about lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe he's going through something rough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know you didn't want to hear it but!.!. i think it's suicidal!. I think you should try to talk to himWww@QuestionHome@Com

It does sound like suicide!. Show your parents this and take action before its too late to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He doesn't have any chance at a literary careerWww@QuestionHome@Com

sounds suicidal to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

sry but it sounds suicidal to me!.!.!. try to cheer him up!Www@QuestionHome@Com