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Position:Home>Poetry> This is the start of something but i dont know what?

Question: This is the start of something but i dont know what!?
i was trying to take the advice u guys have given me so ive just been flowing with this idea what do you think!?

"Canopies are falling into the night and the dawn wont release the sun for the cascades of the morning to weep its victory over the twilight gloom"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Um, em~j I'm pretty sure she knows how to write a poem lol!.

The first part, it's a long line I would assume is broken into 2 lines!. Seems quite nice, really isn't anything to critique imo!. You have a good ability to create wonderful imagery which is key I think in poetry!.

he told me, is name was trouble
and from right then i understood
he would never catch me, when i stumbled
even if he knew he could

That part is excellent, when I read that it just fit so perfect, you caught something there!. And a 2-meter rhyme, nice!. Now the rhyme scheme is different for each section, so likely you could make these look like song lyrics and give a rhyme scheme to different paragraphs (whatever the "technical poetic" name is pfft, i just write who cares if it's politically correct lol)!. Could do like a "one paragraph with this rhyme scheme then the next with this other one" sort of thing!. I would suggest, keep the second line, the first is okay but you may wanna change some of it!. Really it's tough to say because I dunno what you're wanting to say in the whole poem!. Are you wanting to address only the woman's side!? Or are we talking about the guy too!? It would depend, but I really love the very first part "canopies" and the last part!.

btw perhaps you'd like to take a look at my poem lol


How do you write a meaningful and emotional poem that requires countless amounts of enthusiasm!?

Get a piece of lined paper and your favorite pencil or pen

Structure your poem by deciding on how many beats are going to be in each line and what rhyme scheme you want (use Iambic
Pantimeter or write a sonnet for example)

Think about a particular feeling or event you encountered recently that you want to apply to your poem!. Think of creative adjectives to describe how you feel

Start your poem by subtly using this emotion with descriptive phrases and words

As the poem lengthens increase the power of the emotion with more stronger words and sentence structure

Finish the poem with a line or two about something that happened afterwards or a conclusion about your feelings

Think about why you are writing a poem!. What will make it meaningful for you!? Do you want to express a feeling you are having!? Do you want to write something that will make your friend or loved one feel happy!? Do you want to describe something interesting you did or saw!? Who would you like to read this!?

If you have writer's block, try doing something you wouldn't usually do, or going somewhere you wouldn't ordinarily go!. Then you can use this as a topic for the poem!.

You may find a place you particularly like to write!. Perhaps you feel especially inspired on a bench in the local park, on the subway train, at your desk, in a room in your local library!.!.!.

Read lots and lots of poems! If you read many poems, it will feel natural to you to start writing!.

Your poem doesn't have to make sense, this sometimes increase the quality of the text and makes it more professional!

Make sure it is not to long and not to short so that the reader enjoys the length standard!.

Try and have a hidden meaning in the poem or make it complex so the reader has to think about what it means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com