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Position:Home>Poetry> What are some of Robert Frost's most well-known poems?

Question: What are some of Robert Frost's most well-known poems!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Road Not Taken
Death of the Hired Man
A Considerable Speck
Mending Wall
Choose Something Like a Star
Fire and Ice
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Dust of Snow

He also wrote one called "Dedication" for John F!. Kennedy's inauguration in 1961!. He was pretty old by then and couldn't read it because of the sun's glare on the snow, so he quoted another of his older poems, "The Gift Outright" by memory!. It was totally appropriate to the situation!. I made a reel to reel tape of the inauguration from the television when I was a kid!. I've always liked Robert Frost, and have many of his poems memorized!.

There are many, many more Robert Frost poems which you can find on the internet!. These are just a few of my favorite ones and ones that I have memorized!.

One of his shortest is "Dust of Snow"!.
The way a crow shook down on me,
The dust of snow from a hemlock tree,
Has given my heart a change of mood,
And saved some part of a day I had rued!.

Another, "A Considerable Speck", is less well known!. It's about Robert Frost writing a poem and seeing an extremely small insect running across his writing paper!. He starts to kill it with the tip of his pen, but then changes his mind and lets it live!. He ends the poem by saying, "I have a mind myself and recognize mind when I meet with it in any guise!. No one knows how glad I am to find, on any sheet, the least display of mind!."Www@QuestionHome@Com