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Position:Home>Poetry> I should call this one, "Why I enjoy babytalk." What do you think?

Question: I should call this one, "Why I enjoy babytalk!." What do you think!?
The Assisted Dining Area
Overland Park Nursing and Rehab
by TD Euwaite

Monday, Wednesday, Friday!.
My turn to feed Sheryl’s dad!.
I may get two sentences
from him today!.

Jean is the most deeply afflicted living
Alzheimer’s patient!. Her synaptic
sequence is a very short loop,
always ending with, “I’m cold!
“I’m dying!”

When she gets there, the whole
room goes with her!.

I, cheery, teary
ride along!. I see my maladies
at 50, amplified 1000X
in these folks in their 80s!.

Margarita tells me stories
disconnected and juggled and
she laughs so loud that I wish
I knew the punch-line inside!.

Woody likes corn on the cob!.
He wrestles with it for 45 minutes!.

I look at the faces, know the names!.
I know that they are very afraid, when
that slot on the wheel spins round
to their empty spaces!. By God’s graces,
they remain unaware, in their places!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like this very much, and think that old people should always be taken seriously!. Their lives are precious and so fragile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know several people who have suffered from and who finally found peace after this terrible disease!. Until the end, some part of the spark is in them and even if they seem unresponsive, they know someone is out there and they feel the presence of others!. The sad part is that they also feel pain they cannot convey, so caretakers must treat them like helpless children and ensure that they are comfortable and pain-free!. The thing to remember is that they know more than we think they know!. And yes, they are afraid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is so compassionate and written so beautifully, with such pathos!. It both made me smile and brought me to tears!. I used to go take care of my great aunt in a nursing home before she died, so I can well relate and appreciate the sentiment and the touch of good humor in this poem!. I do miss going there and doing my part to brighten the day of the residents there!. Lovely poem!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Such a sad illness !.!.!. my grandmother suffered with it the final five years of her life, and I know she never would have wanted to live that way (or have anyone see her that way)!. She had her bad days, and not-so-bad days, but rarely a good day!. Thanks for putting this disease in a way that enabled me to better understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ever good write about the residents of nursing homes!. I have a best friend in one!.
And, you have captured that 'essence' of the totality of their lives in a few lines!.
Oh so good, TD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well Done General!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Well DoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

my grandma has dementia!.
good poem!.!.!.well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com