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Question: Will you help me Prepare for the trip!?
+To Trip Up=

I took my bath and packed my shorts,
listened to their short retorts
of how I should keep my feet on the ground…
Up that high, I might fall down!
But since youth, as said before
to the stars I’ve always wished to soar!.
Now I’ve been told just where to go,
TO MARS, they said, I ought to know!.
But my balloon may not be enough to suffice…
and a rocket ship caries a hefty price!.
So now all I have to do to go
is trip on a rock, stub my toe
Then, up up and far far away
Maybe I’ll come back someday
But I doubt it!

Okay, the destination is set… now for the big up-falling! Would you help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By the way, the railroad has just been finished!. You can buy a train ticket, much cheaper than rocket fuel!. We await your arrival and I would say welcome, but I'm still paying rent!. Maybe someday I'll have a dome of my own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha! That's so awesome!!!! Maybe you could drink some of that stuff from the 1st Charley and the Chocolate Factory movie when Charley and his grandfather drink that stuff that makes them soar upwards (until they burb and fall back down again)!. Or you could choose not to believe in gravity- that works too :)!. Haha, anyway, I LOVED your poem, my only suggestion is to take the word "Short" out of the second line (it feels kinda repeated) and replace it with a synonym!.!.!.
Keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have a good sense of humor (very necessary on Mars) and a good sense of rhyme and meter!. The voyage to Mars is a very difficult one and requires a tremendous amount of preparation!. I would suggest attempting to pack some poetry in various forms, shapes and sizes in your suitcase!. Before you pack them, post them here for ironing and folding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would gladly put a stone in front f your toe to help you get to Mars! Only problem is I don't have one big enough for the Trip Up!

You catch on fast, Have you been talking to any of the others or did you just Stumble upon this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately!.!.!.!.that's what the poets on this site are for, to help each other!Www@QuestionHome@Com