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Position:Home>Poetry> Does Acrostic Rondeau sound good for supper too?

Question: Does Acrostic Rondeau sound good for supper too!?

Stealing this moment just with you,
Although my chance already flew!.
Vexed knowing you won't meet me here,
Emptiness except for this fear!.
Doomed to morning dreams, fallen dew!.

Left with eyes washed in icy blue!.
Embarassed that such feelings grew,
Sorry that I let you grow dear,
Stealing this moment!.

Living a life that I shall rue,
Opposite of what I wished true!.
Silk dreams transparent, broken, sheer,
Stolen fantasies, never clear!.
Echoes of life I never knew,
Stealing this moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
fairytale shattered huh!? well perhaps you should tell the person you like that you like them!.!.!.huh!? maybe!? that's just assuming that all this poetry comes from a real place!.!.!.then again not everyone is as crazy as me!.!.!.Anyways I like this trying to do one of these makes me appreciate the skill hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

hatched from eggs
the happy chickens grow out
they love all the places to peck
!.!.!.what a dream come true!.
but why is my buddy dinner!?
we had so much more to peck!.
and this morning i hear the rooster
what makes him so lucky!?!.!.
maybe its the eggs
maybe there is more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never realized it was an acrostic! That makes it even better (if possible :p)!. That was really good!. It was so regretful and mournful!. (At least that's what I thought!. I may be a bad poem interpretator) ((Total parentheses overkill))!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lovely poetry by a lovely lady, and what more is there to say, the queen of acrostics lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's happening to me!? I did not enjoy this one bit!. Maybe some prune juice will help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com